Grand total

Well it is not so grand, to be honest. And I lost one of the receipts. Sigh. Oh well…

I spent RM 1159.05–so far; I’m going to 1Utama later–on clothes; and shoes. However, shoes not so much. Mostly are clothes. Hehehe.

My mom should be on the plane right now. She went to Canada for 3 bloody days!!!

I know!! Crazy right? For a conference which lasted only one and a half days!! She went halfway across the world, with the amount of time spent traveling to the place taking just slightly less than the amount she was there.

Seriously, sometimes conference can be ridiculous. They wouldn’t pay for extra time to make your trip worth it. Just come, present your paper, listen to other people’s paper, and good bye.

Even crazier that my mom was willing to go through it… for the hopes of flying via London and be able to shop more there.

Oh, it is in Waterloo… about 2 hours from Ottawa, she said.

Going to buy quite a number of things in 1utama. Doing most of my makeup shopping. I know I know, I said it’s a waste of money, but I can’t think of what more clothes do I need!! And I do wear them, so it won’t be wasted!!

Oooooo!! I’m reading the dictionary. Oh, of course not non-stop, silly!! I would go out of my mind if I did, I think. 5 new words a day. Huge emphasis on the word “new”; if not it’ll take forever for me to get from A to Z. I might die before I finish it!!

So I have a plan while I’m on my break; I’m going to learn French, while I work as a sales assistant (could be a pharmacy or Cats Whiskers) or a receptionist at a Spa (though with my skin condition they might not think it is a good thing) and a kitchen helper in a Japanese restaurant. Both part time, obviously; doubt I can juggle 2 full time jobs!! I want to do the kitchen helper one!!!! Might be able to learn how to cook!! 😀

Will tell big ma’am tomorrow about it and what is her opinion about it, along with all the receipts. Hehehe.

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